Stress concentrators positioning modes and determination of the stress concentration factor using FEM. Establishing cracking scenarios to determine the characteristics of the crack

  • Anişoara - Gabriela Cristea “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: normal stresses, concentration factor, intensity factor, numerical modeling.


This paper shows the effects of variable stresses acting on structures, the positioning modes of stress raisers, as well as the determination of stress concentration factor and the establishment of some cracking scenarios in order to determine the main characteristics of the crack. The problem of numerical analysis of various engineering problems is not new; it has been used over the centuries. A classification of numerical modeling methods can be done mathematically in 3 main directions: finite difference method, finite element method and method of border elements. The structural analysis has the following stages: determining the type of analysis, modeling the structure and of the boundary conditions, the actual analysis. The area taken into consideration was the structure of the double bottom, which is composed of the following elements, namely: the floor to the bottom floor of the double bottom, lateral support, and bottom longitudinal to double bottom longitudinal. The numerical analyses were performed using the program SolidWorks Cosmos/M of the cumulative damage factor. In most cases the structures made of composite materials are complex structures due to the material and in most cases they must be verified in terms of the endurance strength.



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How to Cite
Cristea A- G. Stress concentrators positioning modes and determination of the stress concentration factor using FEM. Establishing cracking scenarios to determine the characteristics of the crack. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 31Dec.2018 [cited 7Mar.2025];41:91-6. Available from: