Navigation safety assessment based on short term seakeeping limit criteria for a feeder type container ship of 1300 TEU

  • Carmen Gasparotti “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
  • Leonard Domnișoru “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: feeder type container ship, short term seakeeping, Black Sea area, navigation sea routes.


This study presents the seakeeping behaviour of a feeder type container ship of 1300 TEU on three navigation route scenarios in the Black Sea. The routes are selected in order to cover the west costal route, the west - south coastal to north - east route, the west - south - east coastal route. The numerical analysis has two interlinked parts: the short term seakeeping analysis and the route scenarios analysis, taking into account the seakeeping limit criteria on heave, pitch and roll motions. The container ship is considered with the speed range of 10 - 20 knots, and the Black Sea state data is numerically predicted for a short term period of 3-5 days in several reference areas included in the scenario routes. The numerical analyses of the container ships dynamics are based on own in-house codes. The study results make possible to identify the navigation restrictions on the selected routes.


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How to Cite
Gasparotti C, Domnișoru L. Navigation safety assessment based on short term seakeeping limit criteria for a feeder type container ship of 1300 TEU. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 31Dec.2015 [cited 22Jan.2025];38:71-6. Available from:

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