The Necessity To Administer The Evidence With The Forensic Report In The Cases In Which During The Criminal Investigation The Evidence Was Administered Consisting Of The Technical-Scientific Finding

  • Ioana Mindrescu Lawyer
Keywords: forensic report; criminal process; means of proof; technical and scientific finding


This paper aims to analyze the importance and the need to administer evidence with expertise in criminal trials in which during the criminal investigation was administered the evidence consisting of the technical and scientific finding made by specialists or technicians operating within or in addition to the institution to which the criminal investigation body belongs.

Technical and scientific expertise and findings are evidence procedures through which are highlighted factual elements that contribute to the resolution of cases deduced to judgment.

Through a rigorous analysis of the relevant legislation, case law and judicial practice, the paper explores the role of evidence administration with expertise in solving criminal cases where, during the criminal investigation, the, it was ordered to make a scientific-technical finding.

The paper examines the ways in which evidence with expertise can be effectively managed and exploited in the criminal process, including issues relating to the stage of evidence admission, the rights and obligations of the parties involved.

In conclusion, the paper emphasizes that the administration of evidence with expertise in the criminal cases where the evidence was ordered consisting of the technical-scientific finding is an essential element for ensuring a fair and equitable justice.

How to Cite
Mindrescu, I. (2024) “The Necessity To Administer The Evidence With The Forensic Report In The Cases In Which During The Criminal Investigation The Evidence Was Administered Consisting Of The Technical-Scientific Finding”, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Legal Sciences. Fascicle XXVI, 7(1), pp. 74-83. Available at: (Accessed: 14March2025).
Public Law