The Status of Teaching Staff In Higher Education – about some "Innovations" Brought by Law no. 199/2023

  • Camelia Olteanu "Spiru Haret” University
  • Ana Munteanu "Spiru Haret" University


Law no. 199/2023 of higher education, which also includes a legal norm regarding the status of teaching and research staff, is presented, in general, as a normative act that can be perfected, the legislator sometimes opting for the solution that, instead of improving the normative framework of interest, appealed to "unique" solutions, in disagreement with the logical and natural tendency to clarify this legal framework. Many rules from Law no. 1/2 of the national education (repealed) were taken over without the necessary additions, others are no longer found in the new legislation, even if it was necessary, which led, in our opinion, in some cases, to a decrease of precision and coherence, requirements that must characterize any normative act. Our study wants to highlight some of the new developments, point out some of the identified gaps, and propose a series of solutions for them.

Comment citer
Olteanu, C. et Munteanu, A. (2024) « The Status of Teaching Staff In Higher Education – about some "Innovations" Brought by Law no. 199/202 »3, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Legal Sciences. Fascicle XXVI, 7(2). Disponible sur: (Consulté le: 29mars2025).
Private Law