Oglindire arhetipală și consistență ontologică în Empireul lui Heliade-Rădulescu
Anatolia in terms of descriptive and aesthetic form gives an oscillation between the horizon of character consciousness through a remodeled structure of the tongue and the demiurgic image to which all the teluric is subordinated.
The creepy condition of evil makes it easier to portray the portraits of the characters through the coexistence within the work of the many literary motifs among which we mention: hatred, foolish pride, selfishness, envy. The act of fertile denial is questioned at the textual level by the semantic intensity that occupies a significant weighting, emphasizing linguistic anxiety canonization in some statements in Anatolia. This emotional crescendo outlines the painting of sensitivity focused on the technique of counterpoint and that of detail marked on semantic, stylistic and symbolic level by reference to biblical references. The pursued approaches are the incoherence, the expression and the expressivity that schematically outlines the cosmological model in an antinomic context of human duality