Dimensiunea imaginarului prozei Anei Blandiana, între Filia și Neikos

  • Daniel Kițu
Keywords: filia,, neikos,, imaginary, palimsest, dystopia


In this study we will highlight an analysis of two major sequences of Ana
Blandiana’s prose, the volume of short stories ‘’Past projects’’ and the novel ‘’Drawer
with applause’’, using, mainly, the dichotomous perspective made by Romanian
researcher Corina Barga in her book "10 studies of arhetipologie" from Greek antiquity
philosopher, Empedocles.
Corin Braga aims, in his research, two major archetypal manifestation of the
interwar Romanian prose, managed by two contradictory principles, principles which,
according to the Empedocles’ philosophical vision, lead the Universe: FILIA (love) and
NEIKOS (hate).
Starting from here, we will distinguish in the Ana Blandiana’s work, the two adverse
patterns, in which magma flows the writer’s ideational who captures an era deeply
contradictory in itself.
On this canvas we will strive to analyze structure type palimsest of these epic
narrative productions, in which, on the one hand, a fantastic multiform layer, which we
would call, on Doina Uricariu’s line, the ‘’ontological’’ one, is laid over the absurdity of
a world brutalized in nonsense, and, on the other hand, the dystopian shell hides the
terrible truths of a period in which the sleep of reason conceived monsters.
We will see the permanent oscillation of Ana Blandiana’s writing, either by the
ontologically fantastic solution, either by the dystopian one, between the Good and the
Evil, which disputed this world built on the border between surreal and parabolic.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the archetypal means by which this prose
builds an Manichaean universe and the narrative ego’s destiny in this maze of signs.

How to Cite
Kițu, D. “Dimensiunea Imaginarului Prozei Anei Blandiana, între Filia și Neikos”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 24, no. 1, July 2018, pp. 116-34, https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/cil/article/view/2181.