Vasile Voiculescu. Zahei Orbul-Images of the double

  • Aura –Valentina Cășuneanu-Panaitiu
Keywords: initiation itinerry, mythical journey, psycho-archetypal reading, tragic,, light


This paper aims to interpret the novel ”Zahei the blind man” in accordance
with the symbolic map of V.Voiculescu’s creative spirit. At first reading, the narrative
discourse seems to be telling a tragic story, however, by reading it from a psychoarchetypal
perspective, it could be interpreted as an initiation itinerary of a mythical
journey. The purpose of such a journey is to transcend into the dephts of the human
spirit, Zahei being aware of the existence of transcendent reality which might restore his
sight.This escaping from the historical routine by transferring the author’s ego to the
literary space, into Zahei’s character, involves reliving the tragic existece symbolically.

How to Cite
Cășuneanu-Panaitiu, A. –Valentina. “Vasile Voiculescu. Zahei Orbul-Images of the Double”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 24, no. 1, July 2018, pp. 165-76,