Repere ale ironiei în totalitarismul din spațiul Europei sud-estice

  • Gabriel Preda
Keywords: irony,, political satire, totalitarianism, national/, European specificity, dissidence, propaganda


Humour is a feature of national spirituality, so the competence and
performance of the political satire is completing the behavioral and psychological profile
of a people. National specificity was shaped, over the centuries, by internal and external
factors. The genetic and cultural heritage, together with some geographical and
historical contexts created pitiful humour but also the genuine irony and self-irony.
Anticommunist satire appeared from the tension between society aspiring to freedom,
injured conscience and cloister totalitarianism; their collision leading to a special,
sublimated riot. Thus, anticommunist humour becomes a sort of dissidence, hidden by
the allusive values of the text, in order to expose propaganda and to proclaim the truth.
As fruits of the Romanian satirical spirit, influenced by the Balkan, the jokes’
protagonists, acquire their own life and cross decades of totalitarianism.

How to Cite
Preda, G. “Repere Ale Ironiei în Totalitarismul Din Spațiul Europei Sud-Estice”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 24, no. 1, July 2018, pp. 239-25,