Zogru – picaroul postmodern, autohton din romanul Doinei Ruști
The picaresque novel is an invariant, a constant element from an aesthetic, historical, narrative and thematic point of view, a narrative structure, which established itself as a true prototype as it fully incorporates a dynamic thematic and structural autonomy. This genre offers a subtle balance of comedy and
seriousness with a poetic freedom of inventiveness, its main role being instructive, moralizing and authentic intertwining with playful and entertaining elements. „Zogru”, the novel written by Doina Rusti, is a genre of prose fiction with picaresque nuances which goes beyond the narrative framework of the novel. The writing
material is a palimpsest as it combines sections of our national history in which one can identify a cultural blend of words and which illustrates the picaresque style, also connecting elements characteristic to the objectivity of journalism and the passion of the realistic detail. The magic of this novel becomes apparent as well when exploring primitive, fundamental resorts of the epic genre: sheer passion of fabulation, the
techniques of suspense and the inexhaustible spirit of adventure