Traviata, între modelul literar și personajul din opera lui Verdi

  • Eugenia Nicola (Notarescu)
Keywords: libretto, character, composer, opera, courtesan, literature


Based on the main character in Alexandre Dumas son’s novel, Dama cu camelii, the lyrical character Traviata was outlined by the librettist Francesco Maria Piave and Giuseppe Verdi. The Libretto succeeds in translating the French novelistʹs tragic story into an authentic lyrical melodrama. The main character does not keep
the name from the Dumas sonʹs work, and so Violetta Valery, one of the most famous opera characters, is born, proving to be, still, the same sad and young courtesan from Dama cu camelii, craving for pure love.

How to Cite
Nicola (Notarescu), E. “Traviata, între Modelul Literar și Personajul Din Opera Lui Verdi”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 24, no. 2, July 2018, pp. 80-87,