Recurențe ale imaginarului eminescian în lirica lui Panait Cerna- viziunea cosmologică
This paper presents the research on the cosmogonic elements founded in Panait Cerna’s opera.Even though Panait Cerna's lyrics are under the influence of romanticism, symbolism, or scholasticism, yet his poetic universe presents itself in a well articulated and original form in the literature of the late 19th century of the beginning of the 20th century. Under the influence of the aesthetics and the thought of time, the Dobrogean poet seeks in his texts to rediscover the contrary principles that underlie the universe. In this context, Cerna builds his cosmogonic imagination on antinomic binary systems of oppositions: light-dark, heaven-earth, death-life, love-pain.
The repetition of the light-dark pair amplifies the symbolic significance of the first term as the expansion of the self by revelation. Hence the originality of the construction, especially since Panait Cerna proclaims with all its might the confidence in the victory of light over darkness.