Timpul. Anatomia fenomenului regresiv în proza macedonskiană

  • Otilia Ungureanu Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava
Keywords: Macedonski`s prose, time, regressive phenomenon, present, past


Our present paper starts with the premise that Time is the central axis of Macedonski`s prose and it assembles all other topic of the creative universe. Running away from the present, identified in the literary work, it is not a trivial regression towards the past, but a construction which stakes on a devices that proceed constantly. It is not the phenomenon itself that acquires significance, but the imaginative representations of transposition, which compose an anatomy of the regressive mechanism typical for Macedonski, through which it is accomplished the ideal projection of the personality, eager to live the existence at all civilisation stages. Past is not so adored by Macedonski, according to the conventions of the Romanticism, but it is the pure space that legitimates through the antithesis with the present a new, autonomous world, developed at the limit of reality and imaginary, a purgatory world that purifies the degraded images of the ordinary, giving them new meanings, through mystification. While the past is annexed elements of the everyday reality, the contemporary world is constantly invaded by the primitive images. Present therefore becomes a surrogate universe that holds the mythical breath annexed to the ancient world, a procedure that designs the picture of a reality out of time.

How to Cite
Ungureanu, O. “Timpul. Anatomia Fenomenului Regresiv în Proza Macedonskiană”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 27, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 188-02, https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/cil/article/view/5314.