Literatura de călătorie sau avatarurile memoriei

  • Ionelia-Claudia Turcu Universitatea din Craiova
Keywords: travel literature, The Grand Tour, identity, memory, social ritual


This paper has as a main topic travel literature, especially the literature of The Grand Tour. The main purpose of the essay is to give a diachronic survey of travel literature, seen as a polymorphic and ever-changing genre. At the same time I give arguments that strongly support the ideea of a connection between travel literature,social identity and memory. The essay equally focuses on the cultural and social significance of The Grand Tour. In order to better understand why the Grand Tour had such a great impact on the English imagination, I discuss at large the main reasons young aristocrats had to start on such a difficult and challenging journey. In order to have a clear picture of these reasons, I discuss the work of a well known author, Richard Rassels, his work being very rich in insights about the way the English understood this cultural phenomenon. In the final part of the paper I underline the subtle influence that exists between historical upheaval, modes of travel, social rituals and the rethorical conventions that pervade travel writing.

How to Cite
Turcu, I.-C. “Literatura De Călătorie Sau Avatarurile Memoriei”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 27, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 219-28,