Ipostaze ale fantasticului în proza scurtă a Magdei Isanos – valorificarea resurselor digitale în contextul socio-cultural actual
Magda Isanos is best known, especially, for her lyrical appetite. In the few years of life and creation, which flowed as fast as the sand of an hourglass, the young creator approached all literary genres, lyrical, epic and dramatic, in the corpus of Isanoscian texts, finding a few attempts at prose. At a first reading of the short epic creations, it is easy to see the author’s predisposition for the fantastic. Written as if with an enchanted pen, Magda Isanos’s compositions reveal fairy-tale structures, subjects that transcend the extremity of reality, strange characters, masks behind which we descover unimaginable faces. Being under the sign of the fantastic, the short Isanoscian prose opens in front of the reader like a real show, in which the dream, the mystery, the strange, the hallucination, the illusion take part.