Visul – mitul eternei reîntoarceri în romanul Întâlnirea al Gabrielei Adameșteanu
Our study proposes an analysis of how the myth of eternal return is rewritten in this novel, through the perspective of the one who returns to the country after a long time, not knowing whether those who greet him with open arms are truly sincere, in the context of the involvement of The Security in people's lives. Another technique to be analyzed is that given by the dream time spent in the dream, despite the fact that everything took place in a fraction of a second. Thus the dream will develop epic sequences due to the moments that the "dreamer" in question remembers. In sleep, all events quickly follow each other, so the story represents the duration that appears in the eyes of the dreamer in the form of a wide unfolding. Everything that happens in a time of dreaming takes on narrative by the simple fact that the dreamer remembers.