150 Years of Proustianism. From Proust to Digital Era

  • Ana-Maria Bănică Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu”, București
Keywords: proustianism, inter-war, cultural-memory, post-war, digital


In July, it was 150 years since Marcel Proust birth, who after The First War imposed in universal literature, including Romanian literature, an authentic current, proustianism. Nowadays, in a changing world, when the perishable and the commercial incline to minimize the eternal spirit of literature, we ask what chance can have the proustian work to dwell in the memory of the universal
`community`? Despite some of us scepticism regarding the end of literature, the digital era offers new instruments for valorizing the literary message, so as we use them appropriate. We propose demonstrating that along with the digital reading the access at Proust creation and it research will have new forms of development about we will give details. In the post-war period, but also in contemporaneity are published anthologies, articles, studies about proustian model and also there come out two complete translation of Proust work – that of Radu Cioculescu and Irina Mavrodin, the last in collection Fundamental Works at `National Foundation for Science and Art` (2011). The Life of Romanian Literature Chronology in digital reading offers a complete picture of Proust evolution in the cultural memory, facilitating the labor of these who are interested.

How to Cite
Bănică, A.-M. “150 Years of Proustianism. From Proust to Digital Era”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 28, no. 1, Sept. 2022, pp. 55-68, https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/cil/article/view/5439.