Magda Isanos, o voce reprezentativă a liricii feminine în literatura română. Semnificații ale imaginarului poetic

  • Alina-Liliana Cozma (Blănariu-Cozma) Dunarea de Jos University of Galati


The end of the 19th century offers talented writers the chance to enter in the fictional universe, without hiding under male pseudonyms, in order to sign their creations.
Along with Veronica Micle, Ecaterina Pitiș, Elena Farago, Otilia Cazimir, Olga Vrabie and many other relevant names, Magda Isanos completes the picture of feminine literature, especially lyric, painting, in subtle nuances, the bustle of life and being an emblem of the ’30s. Isanoscian feminine lyricism is characterized by spiritual richness, by emotion, by fragility, without falling into a sentimentalist extreme, as can be seen by exegetes. Thus, feminity is a feature of her lyrical texts.

Cozma (Blănariu-Cozma), A.-L. „Magda Isanos, O Voce Reprezentativă a Liricii Feminine în Literatura Română. Semnificații Ale Imaginarului Poeti“c. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Bd. 28, Nr. 2, Sept. 2022, S. 53-56,