interculturală și literatură / Communication Interculturelle et Littérature2024-02-15T13:30:08+02:00Simona Antofisimoantofi@yahoo.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>ISSN:</strong> 1844-6965 (print)</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Frequency:</strong> annual (2006-2013); biannual (2014-)</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Subjects: </strong>culture and Romanian identity, cultural identity and multiculturalism in the XIX<sup>th </sup>and the XXI<sup>st</sup> century European space, exilic and diasporic studies, literature in totalitarian and post-totalitarian cultural areas</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Contact:</strong></p> digital technology and literature between printing and voice2024-02-09T10:32:26+02:00Dodi Carla<p>Printed bookswould be about to die in front of the advantages offered by the digital world. But for 750 million illiterates over 15 worldwide, for two-thirds women (UNESCO, 2017), literature does not go through digital orprinting on paper. There is also a disturbing degree of returning or functional illiteracy,significantlyaffecting a part of European population.Starting from an idea of literature that is above all the art of the word, the article analyzes the (in)utility of digital media compared to the emotional impact and prestige possessed by printed books; the relationship between e-books and printed books in the self-publishing sector; the importance of the human voice as an ancient and very modern means of telling stories and conveying emotions.Recent statistical data (e.g.Pepe Research, 2020) show the success of audiobooks and podcasts in Covid times, in Italy and in the “Westernworld”, and for some types of disabilities. The article underlines the need to recompose the competitionbetween digital and printed books into a fruitful collaboration. Finally, it is highlighted thatthe voice is, still today and everywhere – from the hi-tech world to African storytellers –an extraordinarytool to produce and promote knowledge about literature.</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## și locuri în istoria orașului Galați2024-02-09T11:07:33+02:00Oana Magdalena<p>Our approach, part of a larger project with the title Urban Toponymy of Galaţi, is organized on three levels: the presentation of a brief history of the city of Galați, highlighting the most important bibliographic landmarks regarding the denomination of the toponym Galaţi and, last but not least, the presentation of the profile of several personalities from the medical field that deeply marked the city and its inhabitants</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## numériques de littérature virtuelle : défis et méthodes de lecture2024-02-09T11:19:18+02:00Costandache<p>Pourquoi la lecture littéraire en temps de pandémie et post-pandémie ? Quels types de livres préfère-t-on dans une époque où l’on assiste à « la lutte » livre numérique vs livre papier ? Pourquoi aborder la thématique pandémique, du type La peste d’Albert Camus, Le Décaméron de Boccace, Le hussard sur le toit de Jean Giono ? À quoi correspond ce fracas littéraire ? Les réponses à ces questions sont diverses : pour passer un temps de qualité en utilisant une nouvelle manière de lecture, celle des outils numériques ; pour les thèmes actuels traités ; pour découvrir des situations qui ressemblent à notre présent. Et ainsi on découvre certaines certitudes : on peut se repérer, on peut dissiper l’inconnu et susciter des réactions qui seraient appropriées. En outre, on se crée une généalogie. Ce qui nous arrive est déjà arrivé à d’autres. On n’est pas les seuls, ni les premiers. On se prête donc des certitudes dans ces temps d’incertitude, car nos temps sont incertains : on lirait, donc, pour trouver une certitude dans des temps incertains. La manière la plus simple et efficace serait d’éviter les bibliothèques et de faire appel à des outils numériques afin de nous créer un espace littéraire virtuel. Quelques maisons d’éditions françaises (Didier, Hachette, CLE International) mettent à la disposition du public lecteur des méthodes de lire ou d’écouter la littérature. Par voie de conséquence, nous proposons une analyse de quelques méthodes numériques qui dédient un espace virtuel aux amateurs de littérature virtuelle</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## – adaptare postpandemică a pieții de carte din România2024-02-09T11:25:10+02:00Daniela<p>Audiobook readers represent only one percent of the total number of book readers in Romania. A small market which developed in the pandemic, following the global trend and absorbing a segment of the young population, but not the teenagers. There are two e-book and audiobook streaming applications in Romania that are successful, which allow access to information on a subscription basis and are not sufficiently known in all environments. As a trend, in Romania, the audiobook doesn’t replace the print! The act of buying the book comes as a final form of content validation: usually the reader wants to keep it in print because he/she enjoyed it so much in an electronic form. We are glad that the book market in Romania is adapting, but above all it is gaining new followers, among young people, even if the road is long and arduous!</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## post-pandemie2024-02-09T11:39:36+02:00Petrica Paț<p>In this article, we analyze two alarm signals raised by media entities regarding an "unprecedented degradation of the Romanian media" and the "price of silence", both stances having in the foreground the financing of Romanian media institutions from government funds. On the one hand, the funding was aimed at so-called pandemic information campaigns, an approach limited by the health crisis, on the other hand it had the title of "propaganda" - this being the expenditure chapter that appears in the parliamentary parties' budgets. Impressive sums were aimed at promoting and advertising in a non-transparent manner, thus threatening journalistic freedom and objectivity.</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement##, formă de comunicare violentă în social media2024-02-09T11:47:49+02:00Marius Ț<p>Humor in social media has some particularities that differentiates it from social humor, and most of them derive from the specificity of the devices used in this type of mass-communication. Not being in direct contact with the victims of our jokes, we tend to expand the limits within which we are allowed to manifest our creativity.</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement##ă și uz-reconfigurarea paradigmei în contextul predării limbii române actuale2024-02-09T11:53:49+02:00Loredana-Liliana<p>In recent years, Romanian grammars have undergone various changes, moving easily from traditional to innovation. School textbooks are designed according to a modified curriculum that requires rethinking the objectives of school grammar. In the following I will point out some changes which are related to innovation and which appear inserted in school textbooks in secondary schools.</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## without Literature in the Digital Era2024-02-09T12:03:14+02:00Antoanela Marta<p>The technological progress has transformed the world in such a way that it would be impossible to be recognized by the people living only a hundred years ago. Instant communication reduced physical distances to nothing. All our thoughts travel at the speed of light to reach the most remote corners of the planet. We do not have time to write full sentences or even full words anymore. We use emoticons and shortcuts, whereas punctuation has become optional. Does this affect the level of literacy in the younger generations? Have people been losing their ability to spell words because of the abuse of shortcuts such as: “lol” and “cf” (Romanian for “cefaci”)? In a world where we can express our opinion on absolutely anything, do we pay attention to what the others think or say? Do we still read real literature, or is literature old-fashioned since all the wisdom we need is now available on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, among others? Are we still able to vibrate with aesthetic pleasure reading a poem, or have we entered in the most pragmatic era of our existence as the only beings on Earth (still) able to create art? This research represents a version of the current reality.</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## expresionismului blagian în viziune sincretică2024-02-09T12:44:57+02:00Sorina-Maria<p>The aim of this paper is to understand the expressionist themes and motifs in Lucian Blaga`s poetry, elements analysed in a comparative approach with other arts. Focussing on paintings like Van Gogh`s Wheatfield with Crows, or Matthias Grünewald`s Isenheim Altarpiece we will explore the poet's affective and expressive register in poems influenced by Expressionism, which offers the poet the opportunity to create an individual artistic programme. The social and political accents, the agonizing pessimism or the psychological traumas are not typical of Lucian Blaga`s ethos, the expressionist component being only one of the many results of his poetry reception.</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## în vremea pandemiei2024-02-12T14:27:27+02:00Gabriel<p>The "time of the pandemic" offered - once again - to lucid minds, the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and expressive humor, despite stress and worry. Manifested through puns, play on words, funny paradoxes, the humorous spirit was a way to get through this strange time more easily, especially for the man of 2020, an individual who had other expectations from a year that proved unpredictable. Jokes, banter, anecdotes treated comically and ironically topics such as: the health system, the incompetence of the authorities, family relations, naivety, ignorance. Often the humor approached the sadistic and macabre. Although the period covered by this work seems over, it lives on in the social consciousness and there are still more or less funny echoes</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## și noul autenticism. Mutațiile poeziei române postoptzeciste2024-02-12T14:34:05+02:00Dicusar<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">This article aims to identify the main forms of authenticity in the work of post-80s Romanian poets who express posthumanist ideas in their writing. We will focus on three main literary aspects: the relationship between the author, the text, and the reader; everyday life; and corporeality. We will investigate the evolutions and mutations within those three aspects in the context of posthumanist thought</span></p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement##ța perioadelor decadente asupra relațiilor umane2024-02-12T14:56:07+02:00Rusu<p>Si la pandémie de COVID 19 a été assimilée à une période de crise sociale, comment se reflète-t-elle dans les tendances artistiques redevables du plan littéraire? L'espace de l'Europe centrale et orientale a été marqué dans la période 1989-2019 par une série de transformations sociales et artistiques provoquées par la chute des régimes communistes et conclues avec les incertitudes de la pandémie. Grâce au caractère mutagène des phénomènes littéraires-artistiques, cette période de dissolution pourrait-t-elle être lue par la formule du décadentisme? En 1936, Mircea Eliade publie un roman d'inspiration gothique, Mademoiselle Christina, 60 ans plus tard le roman connaît sa première adaptation à l'écran, si bien qu'en 2013 le metteur en scène Alexandru Maftei conçoit une nouvelle adaptation à l'écran qui connaît un véritable succès cinématographique jusqu'au début de la pandémie. Cette étude se propose d'expliquer quel élément de la formule du roman sensualiste et psycho-sentimental, dont le personnage de la femme-fatale provoque une rupture dans l'univers réel, constitue une ressource du „cinéma poétique” qui réactive l'intérêt du public en période de crise sociale.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement##ța lui Nichita Stănescu – elemente premergătoare vizionarismului poetic2024-02-12T15:01:38+02:00Bancă<p>We are accustomed to the notion of visionary being associated with fields that are more related to the exact sciences and the evolution of society from a technological point of view. The approach of this concept in the arts and especially in literature is new and unexplored. There are two types of factors that trigger vision: ideal and empirical. In addition to the ideal factors that are independent of the environment and the life of the poet, there are a number of key moments that have induced visionary states. They belong to the category of empirical factors. These factors acted in the poet's childhood and youth or later in his adult life. We will identify the connection between events such as writing the first poem, childhood games, invented story about repeating one school year, interactions with friends and girls, war experience, health problems and imminent death, and triggered visions that were translated into an unusual aesthetic form, apparently simple but difficult to decipher, placing it in the sphere of the abstract.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## culturală și socială reflectată în literatură. Scrisorile document- Scara lui Iakov, Ludmila Ulițkaia2024-02-12T15:08:28+02:00Anca Pometcu ( Mereuță<p>L'article vise à retracer comment la mémoire culturelle et sociale se reflète dans l'un des romans de Ludmila Ulitskaia, L'échelle de Jacob, qui devient un véritable document de l'époque, mais aussi de la vie personnelle. Le roman est une fiction autobiographique dans laquelle la petite-fille Nora reconstitue la jeunesse des grands-parents paternels, évoquant despages réellesde l'histoire de la Russie, mais aussi du niveau personnel. Les relations entre les personnages sont subordonnées aux thèmes privilégiés par l'écrivain russe : l'amour, l'histoire, l'art. Tout cela est montré au lecteur à travers les lettres lues après la mort de la grand-mère Marusea, elles deviennent des témoignages du passé, par Nora, une femme adulte qui, à son tour, vit une histoire d'amour non conformiste, poursuivant en quelque sorte l'insatisfaction des grands-parents qui ont été séparées pour des raisons politiques. Le roman devient un témoignage des événements significatifs liés aux souffrances endurées par les Juifs qui affectent l'existence pour de nombreuses années à venir.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## liricii digitale: teorii și definiții2024-02-12T15:13:10+02:00Gotca<p>The technologization of society has stimulated the emergence of a new poetry - digital poetry, which is nothing but the form in which the lyrical text has evolved after postmodernism, a genre of electronic literature with a prominent and crucial use of computers, which harmoniously combines the literary with the digital.<br>The first computer-generated poems were indirectly produced by Theo Lutz in 1959, which led to the appearance of the "Oulipo" circle, followed by similar ones: "Alamo", "Logolalia", "Spidertangle", "Indra's Net" etc.<br>In this article, we present the digital lyrics that appeared as a result of the impact of the evolution of technologies on literature and define its forms, which were highlighted by series of identifiable products according to certain features that allow us to group them and create some species. Thus, we present and give examples for: E-poetry, visual poetry, digital "visual noise" poems, video poetry and holopoetry.<br>This study starts from the research carried out by L. B. Gattass, M. Eskelinen and R. Koskimaa, A. Ciorogar, M. Roznoveanu, M. Engberg et al. Thus assembling a useful tool in approaching the digital lyrical genre.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Andritoiu and the Communist Regime’s Need of Legitimating Narratives2024-02-12T15:16:58+02:00Marcela –Claudia Moza (Erdelyi)<p>The present paper is an interdisciplinary approach to one side of a poet’s career who has been of late de object of critical revaluation. The book published by Ruxandra Gavra last year, “Alexandru Andritoiu și revista Familia,” is trying to improve the public image of a poet who made his debut in the „obsessive decade” of the post-war period in Romania and whose literary career came into prominence especially during Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime – 1965-1989 – when he became Managing Editor of the Familia Journal, the oldest periodical in the country. In his favour are pleading his connections with the Sibiu Circle and the space granted to the Echinox group who contributed substantially to the emancipation of the literary scene through studies in literary theory and in comparative literature. Nevertheless, we consider that a sociological perspective will reveal Andritoiu’s role in the consolidation of Ceausescu’s cult of personality, as well as his contribution to the shaping of a mode of discourse which was not personal (a phenotext) but a genotext – an institutionalized and patterned language of ideological cliches, if we are to use Julia Kristeva’s binary in Semeiotike.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## perspectivă critică românească asupra romanului polițist în literatura universală2024-02-12T15:20:41+02:00Parapiru<p>Related to the evolution of the society, with its technical-evolutionary plans, the police literature tends at the same time to be subsumed even to “big brother”-type reality – being claustrophobic, paranoid, anxious - the detective-hero not having to be reborn like the Phoenix to be understood according to the new social matrix but only to be re-read, re-established culturally and re-accepted as an anti-hero prototype. The investigation of the detective novel, of its driving hero of the action, the detective, is an approach supported by the need for in-depth knowledge of a literary universe that generates both reading and readers, whose resources, before being identified within a single genre, are found throughout the universal literature. The potential keys to interpreting police-type literary texts place us in front of a multitude of decodings. We will identify the scenarios proposed to the readers by the authors of police literature, through their intermediaries, the detectives, as we will also identify the way in which the investigator understands to relate to the object of his research</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Română and Literatorul, two 19th century literary magazines2024-02-12T15:24:07+02:00Milea (Bărbătescu)<p>Today's Romanian press is a relatively young press. The appearance and evolution of newspapers / magazines, their specialization, depended on the steadfastness of social life, the wealth of the population and the individual freedoms of the people. These premises were not fulfilled in the nineteenth century, because of which the literary press suffered. This paper presents two prestigious literary magazines from the 19th century, without making a value judgment. There is a description of the contents of the publications, their biographical side, the composition of the collaborators, the influences received and those exercised, the editorial changes.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Island as the space of multivocal encounter: multiple discourses în Shakespeare's The tempest2024-02-12T15:28:11+02:00Matei<p>This essay applies discourse theory and geocriticism to Shakespeare’s The Tempest in order to show the ways in which the island space is inscribed in the play’s theatrical spatial imagination as an enclosed area engendering multi-discursive meanings. The space of the stage is the site of encounter for multiple dramatic voices and identities, each of them with their own discursive structure and motivational parameters. This multivocal encounter among cultures and allusions to other spaces has contributed to the play’s success in production throughout the centuries, as it has been translated in several languages, produced in many directorial interpretations, and adapted in novels, poetry, movies, manga, videogames, etc. I argue that the play’s multivocal aspect—as manifested in the island space of the theatre—is the result of the sedimentary process that has allowed each character to speak with his/her own voice throughout the ages, while at the same time borrowing various voices and languages from the surrounding culture and the time in which it has been produced or adapted.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement##țe sămănătoriste în poezia socială a lui Panait Cerna2024-02-12T15:32:02+02:00Carp (Tanasaciuc) Valentina-Luminiț<p>Until the end of the 19th century and the next period, Romanian poetry resonated with society like European poetry. She became a modeler of the ideals of current themes or situations. In a period of social and cultural effervescence, the social poetry of Panait Cerna brings to the fore the feeling of solidarity between others, the objectof this feeling being the Romanian nation, especially the class of the enslaved.<br>Panait Cerna presents himself as an optimist even in social writing because in the dialectic of Cerna’s meditation there is no lack of hope, the hypothetical vision of a social harmony, the purpose of the struggle ending enmity.<br>Alternating the tragic image of peasantry from 1900 with the feeling of minimized love, whose role is often to temper the intensity of pain and social inequalities, are Cerna's texts such as: „Towards peace”, „Triumph”, „Days of Pain” or „People”, texts in which the poetic idea acquires a similar influence by the idyllization of life of peasants.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## critice în Cuțitul japonez, Răzvan Petrescu2024-02-12T15:36:10+02:00Condrea (Stavăr)<p>Fidèle écrivain de prose courte, Răzvan Petrescu émerveille le paysage de la littérature contemporaine avec le cinquième recueil de nouvelles intitulé „Cuțitul japonez”. Son entêtement à créer un univers imaginaire necessair pour raffiner ses propres obsessions, pour mettre en lumière la manque grotesque de pertinence, ainsi que des valeurs, qui caractérisent l'espace quotidien, sont dignes d'admiration. La densité d'écriture, les citations et les insertions culturelles, que l'on retrouve souvent dans sa prose, présentent une société à la dérive, menacé par une fin abrupte et tragique. Comme l'affirme également Marius Chivu, „Răzvan Petrescu se révèle, une fois de plus, un maître sans égale, dont les phrases entaillent profondément et imperceptiblement l'esprit du lecteur laissé après la lecture à la fois effrayé et excité, troublé, portant un grand sourire aux lèvres.''</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## lui Teodoreanu, între concept și stil literar2024-02-12T15:49:09+02:00Panaite ( Dolea-Panaite) Claudia-<p>In Romanian literature, the name of IonelTeodoreanu is synonymous with the trilogy La Medeleni, a novel that enshrines him in the gallery of interwar prose writers. The reading public appreciates the novel and Teodoreanu becomes the symbol of a generation. Literary criticism talks about the concept of Medellinism which defines a far too lyrical, deeply metaphorical novel, a writing with obvious autobiographical sequences, although the author never admitted this.<br>Over time, IonelTeodoreanu attracted the attention of literary critics not only through the form and content of his works, but especially through his literary style, through the otherwise successful trend of poeticizing the narrative. Rightly considered the writer of childhood and adolescence, Teodoreanu experiences the heights of success, respectively the decline from the point of view of the value of his works. If La Medeleni represents the peak of his inspiration, the novels that followed do not rise to the same value, although the author took into account the observations of literary critics to write objectively, without lyrical influences.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement##ăți pierdute, identități recuperate – junalul berlinez al Norei Iuga2024-02-12T15:53:08+02:00Nicoleta<p>Our study is focused on the narrative identity as it is pointed out within the confessing discourse of Nora Iuga, a Romanian writer who is self-defining by usinf the diary mirror-text.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## între ideologie politică și ideologie literară - „Scânteia tineretului”(1973)2024-02-12T15:56:53+02:00Nicoleta<p>Our study is focused on the relation between political ideology and literary ideology as reflected in „Scânteia tineretului” of the year 1973</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## și creație în contemporaneitate. Expresii ale literaturii în spațiul mediatico-tehnologic2024-02-12T16:05:20+02:00Albu<p>La littérature virtuelle , un outil indispensable pour la culture électronique, offre l’atout de la réalisation d’une lecture beaucoup plus rapide et efficace et s’avère être un véritable produit évolutif et révolutionnaire s’inscrivant au sein de notre quotidienneté. Désignée par différents noms, la modification paradigmatique de l’angle d’interprétation de la relation entre auteur et lecteur participe à ce changement auquel l’oeil humain assiste ébloui. L’utilisation de l’ordinateur pour faire des recherches approfondies ou pour lire une oeuvre artistique va de pair avec l’essor de la technologie et s’impose par son pouvoir indispensable de trouver une solution située dans l’immédiateté temporelle pour une problématique de nature quelconque. Dans ce cas, il est important de noter que la lecture dynamique implique une interactivité, une subjectivité de l’auteur et qu’il est impérieux que l’auteur conduise la trajectoire du fil de sa narration. Aussi est-il notable de spécifier que la pénétration des canaux médiatiques et que leur hétérogénéité comportent une essentialité irréfragable pour une meilleure compréhension du traitement de l’information</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## temporels dans les romans d'autofiction d'Amélie Nothomb2024-02-12T16:08:41+02:00Dana Paulica<p>Le sens d’un discours est associé à la cohérence, aux relations logiques qui s’établissent entre les énoncés qui suivent une chronologie compréhensible des événements et construisent la temporalité. Nous nous proposons dans la présente étude une analyse de la temporalité dans les romans d’autofiction de l’écrivaine belge Amélie Nothomb, dans la perspective des expressions temporelles en tant que modes d’organisation discursive et marques des cadres temporels. Une place particulière sera accordée aux expressions calendaires qui, dans la mesure où elles peuvent aider à la lecture assistée d'un texte biographique [Battistelli et al, 2006], nous considérons qu'elles peuvent également aider à l'analyse de la temporalité dans les romans d’autofiction d'Amélie Nothomb.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## écrivain aujourd’hui. De l’art à l’artisanat de l’écriture2024-02-12T16:12:39+02:00Andreea Alina Buşe (Pîrşu)<p>Dans le contexte d’une société profondément marquée et des crises sanitaires socio-économiques et écologiques qui se succèdent, l’écrivain trouve-t-il encore ses ressources pour<br>créer? « L’écrivain est un érudit et un lettré qui, avant tout, a besoin de loisir. […] » affirmait Zola d’un ton parodique mais complètement véridique. Or, les dernières années, le créateur a été démuni de sa liberté, subissant des restrictions. Pourtant, le taux des lecteurs et les manuscrits envoyés aux éditeurs a augmenté. Nous assistons alors non seulement au phénomène de l’écrivain en train de se faire, mais également au succès de l’écriture artisanale.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## eliadiană2024-02-12T16:16:39+02:00Maria-Luiza<p>La présente étude vise à mettre en évidence l'actualité de la pensée de Mircea Eliade, telle qu'elle est illustrée dans ses „Mémoires” ou dans son „Journal Portugais”, ouvrages confessionnels à travers lesquels leur auteur se définit à travers l'écriture dans le miroir.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ale personajelor în proza lui Răzvan Petrescu2024-02-12T16:20:01+02:00Gabriela-Elena Condrea (Stavăr)<p>Maître de la prose réaliste, tragique et comique, Răzvan Petrescu impressionne le paysage de la littérature contemporaine à travers des typologies de personnages tirés de la réalité quotidienne. Jonglant avec une variété de thèmes, Răzvan Petrescu crée une « mosaïque de personnages » jetés dans des poses souvent incroyables, mais qui offrent au lecteur l'image d'une réalité douloureuse et déchirante. Les personnalités diverses, souvent contradictoires, sont mises en valeur par l'entrelacement du comique, de l'ironie et de la satire. Le critique littéraire, Claudia Moscovici, considère que Răzvan Petrescu aborde « des éléments troublants de la condition humaine à travers une série de personnages hallucinatoires, à travers des dialogues et des diatribes qui semblent à la fois absurdes et invraisemblables, mais encore plus réels que notre réalité quotidienne et consciente »</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## vârstă a literaturii de ceremonial în cultura română. Cazul Învățăturilor lui Neagoe Basarab către fiul său Theodosie2024-02-12T16:28:05+02:00Laura Bă<p>Spaţiul cultural vechi şi premodern a fost normat la nivelul claselor sociale superioare printr-un ansamblu de cutumeproprii sau împrumutate pe filiere diverse (bizantină cu precădere), în funcție de epocă și de interesele politice și ecleziastice exercitate în perimetrul țărilor românești. Reconstituirea ansamblului acestor cutume este posibilă în cazul românesc prin urmărirea reflecţiei lui întexte cu un oarecare indice de circulațieși reprezentativitate menit să asigure validitatea (și practicarea) lor.</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Ubi sunt în Sfaturile lui Matei al Mirelor2024-02-12T16:32:42+02:00Garofeanu<p>The "Advice" of Matthew of Myra (1550–1624) to Alexandru Iliaș belongs to the parenetic genre represented by authors such as Sinesius of Cyrene, Agapetus, Basil I the Macedonian, Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Theophylact, thearchbishop of Bulgaria, Manuel Palaeologus, Neagoe Basarab, etc. However, Matthew of Myra introduces certain innovative elements in to his writing. Thus, critics have noticed the contextualization and pragmatism of theadvice [Sapovici, 2016: 402; Vincent, 1998: 316], as well as the inclusion of the chapter entitled «On rapacity and injustice. And a lament on Constantinople», a lament in which the author deplores the fate of Constantinople [Sapovici, 2016: 403]. Another aspect that is worth mentioning is the innovative use, in this chapter, of the "ubi sunt" motif, a motif with biblical origins, widespread in medieval writings, adaptedby Matthew of Myra in his effort to offer, at the end of this lament, a surprising solution, namely the conversion of Muslims to Christianity.</p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement##știi, doctrina marxistă și partidele comuniste: cazurile André Breton și René Daumal2024-02-15T13:30:08+02:00Marius Cristian<p>Le surréalisme, apparu dans les années 1920, se définissait comme un mouvement antibourgeois et antinationaliste. Ses représentants promouvaient une révolte qui visait la littérature, l'art et la société dans son ensemble.<br>André Breton, l'auteur du Manifeste du Surréalisme, affirmait la nécessité d'une révolte sociale et rejoignait le Parti Communiste en 1927, mais seulement pour en être exclu six ans plus tard.<br>René Daumal, fondateur de la revue Le Grand Jeu en 1928, voulait aussi la destruction de l'ordre social établi et appréciait la doctrine marxiste, en la considérant „la seule science juste des faits économiques, mais il n'a jamais rejoint le Parti Communiste.</p>2024-02-12T00:00:00+02:00##submission.copyrightStatement##