Quality Receiving Points in Basketball at Beginners Level

  • Constantin Ciorbă “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University, Chisinau
Keywords: game, basketball, qualitative skill, beginners


In the literature, there are several methodological ways of learning basketball, but most of them are related to ball learning, and very few reflect the problem of ball learning, such as travel. In this article we propose an experimental learning methodology for the basketball game intended to increase the qualitative level of acquiring the ball-less technical elements and procedures as well as to reduce the time of their acquisition.


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How to Cite
Ciorbă, C. (2017) “Quality Receiving Points in Basketball at Beginners Level”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 2, pp. 19-22. Available at: https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/efms/article/view/212 (Accessed: 14March2025).