Improving the Instructional Strategies for the Learning of Specific Track and Field Motor Skills in Primary School
This paper tries to contribute to the experts' attempts to find new ways to improve the teaching - learning - perfecting process in physical education and school sports, and also tries to objectify the specific track and field motor content in the primary school period. The research observes the effectiveness of certain action systems during the primary school physical education lesson constructed with creativity to improve the motor learning process specific to track and field skills. Hypothesis: presumably, the improvement of the instructional strategies in the process of learning the specific track and field motor skills would stimulate the bio-psycho-motor and functional potential in primary school children. The research methods were: the study of the professional literature, the observation, the pedagogical experiment, the tests, the statistical-mathematical method and the graphical representation method. The pedagogical experiment was conducted on a group of 30 fourth grade subjects (15 males and 15 females), aged between 9-10, from the "Nicolae Bălcescu" School of Bacău. The control group was represented by 120 fourth grade pupils (65 males, 55 females), from the following schools: "Al. Ioan Cuza", "Miron Costin", "Ion Creangă" and "Mihai Drăgan" of Bacău. The instructional strategies that were identified and experimented in the primary school children have proven their effectiveness through the results recorded during the psycho-motor challenges for primary school level, proven to be significant.
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