Risk Reduction of Fractures in Patients with Osteoporosis, with no Pharmacological Treatment

  • Viorica Lefter "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Keywords: osteoporosis, fractures, kinetic program


Osteoporosis is a “silent epidemia”. From the experience of a recovery clinic and reading related literature, I concluded that antiosteoporosis treatment does not significantly reduce the risk of fractures if the osteoporotic patient does not have toning muscles, if he is not taught to balance while standing or walking to prevent
falls. Without these, the patient will be prone to fractures.
This study was made under careful observation and treatment of 120 patients between 15.03.2009 and 05.05.2014 in the Department of Rehabilitation Therapy in “St. Spiridon” Hospital, inside the city of Braila. The patients were devided into two groups: one group with algo functional problems determined by Lombar OPSI DMO and the second group with algo functional problems of the hip joints and hip
DMO (coxofemural osteoporosis). The grade of disability was established on the basis of : WOMAC, articular and muscular balance, Waddell Main and Rolland Morris quiz tests for pain in lombar and hip mobility. All patients were tested for risk of falling. The success was due to physiotherapy in appropriate formulas, refreshing
massages, kinetic therapy programmes for every objective.
Conclusions: Patients from the 2 groups did not suffer any fractures from falling in the last 5 years, falls were 70 % reduced and results were similar with or without anti-resorptive treatment.


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How to Cite
Lefter, V. (2014) “Risk Reduction of Fractures in Patients with Osteoporosis, with no Pharmacological Treatment”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 2. Available at: https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/efms/article/view/307 (Accessed: 26December2024).