Study about the Development of the Conditional Motor Skills at the Middle-School Level - 6th Grade Boys – by Applicative Tracks and Paths

  • George Dănuţ Mocanu “Dunarea de Jos” University, The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
Keywords: conditional motor skills, applicative pathways, efficiency, puberty, physical training


The whole variety of motor actions that someone performs in his everyday life or while practicing sports is more or less appropriately performed, according to the degree of development of his motor skills. Over time and until now, there is one idea that was spread and generalized, that in the students' process of physical training, the development of the motor skills is to be considered a secondary aspect for a large number of teachers. They mainly resume to the acquisition, enhancing and improving of some motor skills, specific to the sports branches provided by the curricula in force. Students are reluctant to the appropriate involvement in the development of speed, strength and force. Therefore, the motor skills, in all their forms of expression, can be favourably influenced at this age (10-14 years old) with multiple means, examples of which are applied tracks and paths. If properly selected and applied, these activities may become attractive for students and may reveal their efficiency. Our paper highlights the advantages but also the limitations of using more interesting work methodologies for pupils, compared with the commonly used classical variants in the physical training of classes of secondary school, a period of time recognized as a difficult one in terms of motor, intellectual, emotional and social development etc.


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How to Cite
Mocanu, G. (2016) “Study about the Development of the Conditional Motor Skills at the Middle-School Level - 6th Grade Boys – by Applicative Tracks and Paths”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 2, pp. 61-72. Available at: (Accessed: 14March2025).