Experiment on the Training of Junior Football Players under 17 acting in the Central Area of the Field

  • Cătălin Savu „Lower Danube” University of Galaţi, Physical Education and Sports Faculty
Keywords: training, football, central area, junior players


The central area of the field, also named the "laboratory" or the "brain" of a team, urged the experts to search for new training solutions for a high performance of junior players in competitions. The statistics show that it is in the central area of the field that the ball is mostly touched, and the domination of this area overwhelmingly determines who will be the winner.
In this context, our experiment has designed a differential training program, based on methods and means used to improve the physical and technical preparation by football specific means, that will finally lead to an increase in the number and efficiency of actions in the central area.


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How to Cite
Savu, C. (2015) “Experiment on the Training of Junior Football Players under 17 acting in the Central Area of the Field”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 2, pp. 54-62. Available at: https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/efms/article/view/399 (Accessed: 13March2025).