Methodological landmarks regarding the teaching of the oina game in secondary schools

  • Ioan Sorin Gălățeanu State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chisinau
  • Petru Ghervan “Stefan cel Mare“ University of Suceava
Keywords: oina, Physical Education, gymnasium/secondary school


Oina is a sports game with a limited spread, especially in the rural areas and particularly around some centers with tradition throughout the country. The most recent articles and studies attempt to crystallize their own methodology, oriented towards the modern, global way, but without denying the opportunity to use the analytical method in certain situations, moments or stages of the training process. Studying the specialty literature, we deduce that the oina game is based on a limited number of research and the learning methodology is based on studies and research done in other sports games. The opinion of the people in the oina field, unanimously accepted, is that at present, the literature regarding this field is incomplete and in fact, it is clearly outrun by the practical side of the problem. At the level of school education for both physical education classes and the classes in sports circles, we do not find many published studies although, in the schools where the oina game is practiced, there is an intense practical training activity.


How to Cite
Gălățeanu, I. and Ghervan, P. (2019) “Methodological landmarks regarding the teaching of the oina game in secondary schools”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 1, pp. 20-25. doi: