Influence of geometric parameters on forces in single point incremental forming process for various parts

  • Adrian Blaga University of Sibiu
  • Valentin Oleksik University of Sibiu
  • Octavian Bologa University of Sibiu
  • Bogdan Pîrvu University of Sibiu
Keywords: single point incremental forming, experimental research, force measurement, sheet metal


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of geometrical parameters on the forces in two directions in a single point incremental forming process. For this purpose, the authors have chosen three types of components: a dome, a truncated cone and a truncated pyramid. The parameters taken into account are the punch diameter and the step down diameter. Tests were made on two thicknesses of the same material but having different mechanical characteristics. To determine the forces, a dynamometer was used. Conclusions regarding the influence of geometrical parameters on the forces for the three types of pieces are also presented.

How to Cite
Blaga A, Oleksik V, Bologa O, Pîrvu B. Influence of geometric parameters on forces in single point incremental forming process for various parts. Analele Universităţii "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi. Fascicula XIV, Inginerie mecanică = Annals of “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati. Fascicle XIV, Mechanical Engineering [Internet]. 10Nov.2011 [cited 9Jan.2025];18(2):33-8. Available from: