Analele Universității "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic comun / lexic specializat <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">CNCSIS, category B</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">ISSN 1844-9476</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Frequency:</strong> biannual (2008-)</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Subjects covered:</strong> lexical semantics, ethimology, neology, terminology, lexicography, onomastics, stylistics and lexical pragmatics, history of culture</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Contact:</strong>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Oana Cenac) (Nelu Stamate - desktop publisher) Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 Andrei Grigor, Poiana lui Iocan sau despre meseria de critic literar şi ipostazele ei <p>Les croniques réunies par Lucian Chisu dans lʼantologie Poiana lui Iocan, rédigées par le critique littéraire Andrei Grigor, représentent une formule ultérieure au roman Moromeţii, de Marin Preda, et aux écritures de I. L. Caragiale, mais toute semblable à celles-ci, dʼanalyse lucide du phénomène culturel et littéraire dʼaprès 1990, en Roumanie.</p> Simona Antofi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Virgil Tănase - confesiuni din exil <p>With a sharp mind and an analytical, yet warm insight, Virgil Tănase surprises with his pleasant, elegant, reasonable and honest discourse, distant when necessary. He speaks serenely of the writing experience, yet does not provide with too many details on the metaphorical symbols concealed in his books, leaving us to infer the deep significance of his text. About the exile, he keeps telling over and over again the story of the adolescent got away of his universe, forced to leave his house, garden and town behind to go to university. This break from the regional childhood and the departure to Bucharest will leave a great impression upon him, so that his first novels will reflect it plentifully. For Virgil Tănase, the exiled is that lonely wanderer in a world requiring to jaunt in company, accompanied by military music, while the exile literature is „literature in a zoo, with animals which do not live their natural life”.</p> Iuliana Barna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 «Ochiul american» de Virgil Gheorghiu – de la ambivalenţă la echilibru <p>L’objectif essentiel de cette communication consiste dans une étude suivie d’un roman de Virgil Gheorghiu – L’OEil américain (Agaton, 2013) – à l’aide des outils conceptuels élaborés par Gérard Genette, Yves Reuter și Jacques Dubois. Nous envisageons de nous rapporter à la construction de trois catégories narratives fondamentales – le personnage, l’action et l’espace –dans le but de démontrer que ce texte dépasse le statut d’un simple roman policier pour acquérir la valeur d’un document sociologique, ethnologique et idéologique. L’étude des personnages mettra en évidence les rôles actionnels du « carré herméneutique » de Jacques Dubois (le quêteur, l’agresseur, la victime et le suspect) et comprendra des données concernant la constitution du portrait littéraire, la signification des patronymes, la dynamique des relations interpersonnelles, la diversité des positions sociales et professionnelles et l’évolution psychologique des types humains retrouvables dans ce texte romanesque. Une double histoire – celle du crime et celle de l’enquête – met en avant toute une série d’identités ethniques et de représentations de l’Autre, tandis que l’espace extérieur (le Delta du Danube) et l’espace intérieur (la chambre du capitaine Taxid, le bureau militaire, le poste des gendarmes, la cabine du bateau L’OEil américain, etc.) contribuent à la création des liens symboliques avec les temps révolus et avec l’ensemble de valeurs qui y sont associées.</p> Mirela Drăgoi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Figurile unirii evocate în literatură: romanul istoric «Speranţa» de Mihail Diaconescu <p>Union becomes the subject of a historical novel and its figures are interesting characters in Mihail Diaconescu's Speranța, published in 1984. Based on traditional realism, the historical novel describes all the events that lead to the Big Union Decission on January 24. Speranța illustrates a „program-based literature”, theorized in various studies and articles, on a protoconist line, outdated today, but of great importance in the 70s and 80s. Ignored by the critics, the novel could be recovered by the literature, for the accuracy of the documentation and the artistry with which Diaconescu uses the fantastic, the magic and the symbolic.</p> Daniela Bogdan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 «Femeie, iată fiul tău», roman al ilimitării verbului A FI <p>The aim of this paper is to highlight that an author considered somewhat eccentric claims a reader inclined to become a prisoner of the book and not of hackneyed expression. In Sorin Titel’s novel the trivial is processed, but not so much as to lose ingenuity and sufficiently adequate as to give the impression of a mind-reconciled work. Whereas Marcu is a plate mark of derisory, Marcu – Ivo is the first step towards deathlessness, Marcu – Roger is the second step towards deathlessness and Marcu – Marcu is the irrefutable touch of perfection. Thus, our purpose is to outline the illimited facets of the verb <em>to be</em> through the means of the three pairs of <em>doubles</em>.</p> Emina Căpălnăşan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Literatura isanosciană sub semnul războiului <p>Magda Isanos was born on April 17, 1916, in Iasi, shortly before Romania entered the First World War, while Europe is strongly ruled by warriors. In the autumn of the same year, the capital of Romania is taken over by Falkenheim, and the emigration to Iasi is profound , drawing a terrible painting, occupied by thousands of refugees, Romanians and other origins. The writer’s family retires to Costiujeni, a village near Chisinau and Magda Isanos follows her studies in Bessarabia, later becoming an emblematic literary figure. The war takes away her first creations, which remain in the house from Costiujeni, in 1940, when the author’s family flees from Bessarabia. Other manuscripts are lost due to the explosion of a bomb in the yard. In other words, the war misappropriates a few “puzzle pieces” that build the portrait of Magda Isanos. The echo of the war resounds in isanosian literature, especially because of the themes the young writer approaches: death, the struggle for life, time, the journey under the guise of the refuge, the love that is too little fulfilled, because her husband, Eusebiu Camilar, is on the front. With an incredible creative power and loaded with infinite optimism, Magda Isanos gladly receives everything that is happening to her. For example, in the refuge in Arges, in 1944, when she is carried on arms, because of her illness, she smiles to relieve the sadness of those who see her in distress. However, her notations about the war are made from an objective perspective, talking about poverty that dominates villages, about dead soldiers, about the effects of the war, being accused of communism, because of the illustration of the truth.</p> Alina Liliana Cozma ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 „Fantoma din moară” de Doina Ruşti – discurs identitar şi manifest estetic <p>This study is a contribution to the social-cultural interpretation of Doina Rusti’s work from the perspective of the discourse (fictional first) about the construction of identity, investigating the social role of the individual, his deduction. After reading the novel The Phantom of the Mill, one can notice that the events of the childhood and youth of the author, subtly presented here, under the diaphanous veil of imagination, get various avatars in subsequent fiction works. In the case of Doina Rusti’s work, we find that identity is related to social and cultural institutions, but also to individual strategies in self – assertion. One of the ways used the author and requiring increased affection from the lecturer is the mask game based on figures invoked in the sinuous route of identity construction. We also notice that the most important aspects of the author’s life can also be derived from her fictional works which are a reflection of her inner world. Her creation thus becomes a real adventure for the reader who is eager to know it, and this writing is nothing but a miraculous journey through the world of self. We can say that through her work, Doina Rusti brings into the forefront the unfrozen narrative and the free play of imagination, but she also succeeds in introducing the reader into a true labyrinth of identity.</p> Georgeta Pompilia Costianu ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Al. O. Teodoreanu - patriotism şi expresivitate la începutul secolului al XX-lea <p>From the writings of Al. O. Teodoreanu wraps, like a fine alcoholic steam, the silhouette or specter of a brilliant intelligence character with an inexhaustible, tonic and extremely spiritual humor. Spirit eminently moldavian, he is gentle, seated, willing to love the world as it is. It is, as epigrams and articles prove, a critical love and, despite the author's favorite occupation, a lucid one. In any case, reading his work should be a further argument for reconsidering this unique writer. Putting Pastorel into a platoon is a sign of obtuse. In Romanian literature, he marked his territory.</p> Selena Culache Costea ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 „Vârstele” literaturii postbelice identificate în opera Gabrielei Adameşteanu <p>The purpose of this article is to bring the author into a literary genre, her works being the subject of histories, as well as studies related to post-war Romanian prose. Numerous literary critics of the time tried to put Gabriela Adamesteanu's prose in a certain period. Taking into account the moment the author started, it could be part of the generation of the seventies writers, but there are different peculiarities in the poetry of her literature that hinder this endeavor. Both the difficulty of framing the work of the author in a particular generation and the specific elements that offer originality can be explained by her writing, through her unmistakable poetics to accommodate two seemingly opposite principles, namely the classic and the modern.</p> Ancuţa Smădu ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Perspective identitare în destinul prozatorului Marin Preda <p>The notion of destiny, which has become a supertopic of Marin Preda's texts, is not specific only to the well-known literary writings, such as the novels <em>The Intruder</em> and <em>The Most Beloved of Earthlings</em>, works that lie within the sphere of fiction. The problem of destiny, of the search for the answer to the question <em>Which is the way to reach self-knowledge</em>? concerned Marin Preda both during his youth period, when he sought his spiritual identity, as well as during the artistic maturity period, when he had received the confirmation of his vocation as a writer. It is reflected in two confession-texts published at considerable time intervals: the juvenile poem <em>The Return of the Lost Son</em>, written in 1941, and the autobiographical novel<em> Life as a Prey</em>, published in 1977.</p> Ovidiu Marcu ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 L’ Identité culturelle roumaine – partie integrante de la culture europeenne au XIXème siècle <p>For integrate into the European cultures, the Romanian culture received, in the 19th century many influences from all over the world. The various models of the arts and writings have contributed to a modern and new atmosphere and have been good examples to follow. The new creative atmosphere, specific to the European „horizons”, was really favorable to the rise of the dynamic temperament of the Romanians, who understood that modernity had to prevail to create new socio-aesthetic awareness. On the cultural „battlefield” was disputing „the struggle” between tradition and modernity in all areas (social, literary, political). In our study, we propose some opinions of Romanian writers-critics concerning the defense of Romanian cultural identity, as an integral part of European culture, especially in terms of the development of the creative spirit in mentalities and consciences of that time.</p> Ana-Elena Costandache ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Identitatea culturală în context european. „Ideea naţională” în perioada paşoptistă <p>In the early 18<sup>th</sup> century, the national idea became very stimulant and had a dynamic impact upon the whole intellectual life, on the background of the process of segregating nationalities from central and south-eastern Europe. During the 1830-1840, the national idea means recognizing the community of language, origin, and aspirations of the Romanians. The identity of the Romanian people is defined with the establishment of the Romanian language and the development of modern literature. In the study <em>În contra direcției de astăzi în cultura română</em>, Titu Maiorescu promotes a new theory regarding the forms without a foundation, pointing out that we must not borrow forms that do not fit our national background. The critical spirit encourages national consciousness and strives to identify the ideal in Romanian spirituality. The sense of the Romanians’ cultural marginalization in relation to Western civilizations.</p> Luciana Chiric ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Aspecte ideologice şi viaţă culturală în presa postbelică. „Tomis” 1967 (august-decembrie) <p>Our study shall debate upon the main articles published in the literary journal „Tomis” (between August and December 1967) in order to describe the ideological frame for the literary production of the epoch.</p> Oana Cenac ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Polarizarea mass-media în chestiunea referendumului din România în 2018 <p>The polarization of the press, especially in controversial issues, especially if they have a political stake, remains an open subject, because the truth "decomposed" takes the form of editorial policy specific to each media institution, more or less opened to embracing Western values. When the subject is religion, politics or sexuality (or all together!), the groups gather, the identity discourse and the theme of otherness come back to the attention of public opinion, under the assault with propagandistic and electoral accents of those interested, insufficient and discretionary media to the press. The Romanian media - press institutions and opinion leaders - speculated the electoral period dedicated to the referendum to change the definition of the family from the state's fundamental law, conducting a sustained campaign, not so much from the need to inform its public, especially from the desire to increase their audience shares, by capturing the attention on this sensitive subject (in a country with a Christian-Orthodox tradition) and controversial (if we consider the opportunity of voting), and that is why the objective positioning required to onest journalists is at least questionable in many cases. It is thus demonstrated that the decomposition of truth is also caused by an excessive polarization of society and it has the effect of eroding public discourse, alienation and uncertainty.</p> Petrica Paţilea ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Presa românească din TRANSILVANIA ŞI Banat, în perioada Primului Război Mondial <p>World War l has, irreparably, marked the history of humanity by the extent of the damage and the huge number of casualties. "The Great War" meant, alongside the trench warfare, also a battle of propaganda, encountered, especially in the gazettes of that time. They lined up to the Official Policy of the State and contributed, through the messages submitted to the readers, to support the war effort. This paper aims to present the manner in which the Romanian press from Transilvania and Banat was reported, which were the pivotal concerns, and especially, what was their attitude towards the new enemy, arriving in 1916, in Romania.</p> Cătălin Negoiţă ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Cultura populară bănăţeană în context istoric şi etnografic <p>Banat region is recognized as a good interethnic cohabitation territory, and as a model of social cohesion, promoting identity and acceptance of otherness. However, Banat is an area in which the phenomenon of cultural traffic expands from central and western European ethnical culture, located on this territory in the eighteenth century: Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, a.s.o, to the indigenous people formed by Romanian and Slavic populations: Serbian, Bulgarian, and vice versa, from traditional Romanian culture, archaic, to the modern central and western European culture. Because of this phenomenon of acculturation appeared cultural values that have become trademarks of identity today. Banat also has a rich ethnographic culture, which led Lucian Blaga to give it the name of „Romanian Ethnography Baroque”.</p> Adela Marinela Marincu Popa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Psihologia basmului în spaţiul românesc <p>Cet article a comme principale idée le rôle du conte dans la psychologie du peuple roumain. Nous désirons mettre en évidence que la vie présume des crises profondes, épreuves et souffrances, et dans les moments de crise totale apparait l’espérance sous la forme de renouveau de la vie. La nouvelle naissance spirituelle est préparée par le héros du conte. Le conte vu comme un rêve collectif permet la communion avec le monde inconscient même dans les conditions de la censure car il utilise le mot pour exprimer les éléments qui viennent de l’inconscient. Partout dans lꞌespace roumain, indifférent du temps et des circonstances, les contes sont apparues, en jouant le rôle des clefs qui ouvre et ferme lꞌespace inconscient du peuple, un espace tabou qui est censure. Lꞌ expression „a fost odatã ca niciodatã cã de n-ar fi nu s-ar povesti“ (il était une fois comme jamais que si il n’était pas le récit nꞌexistait pas), la formule par laquelle le conte commence est aussi une place d’ou est possible lꞌhistoire. C’est une place ou le temps sꞌécoule et ou il est possible dꞌarriver seulement avec lꞌesprit. Dans les contes roumains les raisons principales sont essentielles dans lꞌexistence psychique. On peut comprendre la psychologie dꞌun peuple en regardant les héros des contes qui existe dans lꞌespace culturelle de ce peuple. Cette structure narrative a dans son centre le héros qui quitte les anciennes identités de soi et qui passe par des terres inconnues jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre son propre role et sa propre position dans le monde. Il se passe une transformation de l’esprit qui lui permet dꞌaffronter ces propres démons intérieurs. Le monde entier est un conte et la sagesse d’un peuple on la retrouve dans ses contes.</p> Alina Chetreanu ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Construcţia identităţii prin limbă şi prin educaţie <p>Les auteurs relèvont l’essence de la pédagogie éfficace concernant l’identité de l’élève par l’intermédiaire de la langue et par l’éducation de la communication interpersonnelle. Dans ce context sont analysés les mobiles interactifs et intellectuels, les barrières personnelles dans les rélations interhumains et les types de personnages qui favorisent/diminuent l’autoapreciation de l’élève.</p> Nelu Vicol, Olga Calechina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Din nou despre postmodernism și actualitate – Dumitru Radu Popa, „Din partea cealaltă (2008 – 2013)” <p>La récupération, à lʼaide de la mémoire affective, des bribes appartenant à lʼespace roumain et également à celui américain propose un monde possible où les réalités culturelles et les modèles spirituels auxquels lʼauteur se rapporte coexistent avec des bizarreries du monde dʼau delà de lʼocéan, sans hiérarchie et sans marges plus ou moins symboliques.</p> Simona Antofi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200