The Influence of Waste Water Composition on the Pumping System Corrosion
wastewater, corrosion, wear
Wastewater piping systems in urban agglomerations or industrial areas have problems with the wear and tear of equipment and water transport pipelines used. The problems are related to hydromechanics wear and corrosion due to the presence of solid particles transported with water and due to the residual chemical compounds resulting from industrial technological processes, as well as the presence of biological waste from domestic consumers. In the paper are presented the corrosive characteristics of the waste waters and a review of the effects of wear and corrosion in the case of submersible pumps is made.
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[21]. Adnan A. N., Man-Hoe K., Erosion wear on centrifugal pump casing due to slurry flow, 364-365, p. 103-111, 2016.
How to Cite
PERJU M-C, SAVIN C, BEJINARIU C, NEJNERU C, ACHIŢEI D-C. The Influence of Waste Water Composition on the Pumping System Corrosion. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2017 [cited 9Mar.2025];40(3):18-3. Available from: