Assessment of the Influence of Breakage Strength Rocks by Cox Method

  • Mihaela TODERAŞ University of Petroșani
  • Ciprian DANCIU University of Petroșani
Keywords: strength, hazard, breakage, regression, salt, event, time


Analyzed according to the theory of continuous mechanics, medium rock massif is a natural environment difficult to know, so the forecasts referring to its behaviour are approximate and uncertain. Such an assertion becomes a certitude, even resulting from reality; consequences of the four fundamental features of massif are multiple and involve really difficult issues in mining field and generally, in the constructions field. The concept and the way to assess the stability of underground construction involves understanding its phenomenological evolution and doubtless the character of rocks behaviour in massif. Based on the principle scheme of rocks behaviour way to failure, we propose a statistical analysis method of results obtained by laboratory tests using Cox regression. This method offers the possibility to provide quantitatively and qualitatively the time when the breakage occurs. The method enables us to establish the link between a certain factor through which can forecast rock breakage and the ability to resist; the method can be developed and applied on a massif scale and also in the stability analysis of underground works.

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How to Cite
TODERAŞ M, DANCIU C. Assessment of the Influence of Breakage Strength Rocks by Cox Method. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Dec.2016 [cited 9Mar.2025];39(4):29-8. Available from: