Influence of the Unconventional Treatment Applied to a Steel on the Corrosion Evolution

  • Carmen-Penelopi PAPADATU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Keywords: steel, superficial layer depth, unconventional treatment, corrosion


The study of an alloyed steel with Cr Mo with an important content of aluminum (0.9…1.2%), unconventionally treated in magnetic field, is attractive because of the durability which increases along with the improvement of the corrosion resistance. Through the thermo-magnetic treatments applied before thermo-chemical treatment, the mechanical properties of this material have been improved. The hardness of the superficial layers has been increased after thermomagnetic and thermo-chemical treatment because of the superficial layers’ characteristics obtained after the unconventional treatment. The behavior of steel in corrosion tests was used as criterion.
This paper is a review of personal research and presents the changes of corrosion resistance, using non-conventional treatments and corrosion tests for a Cr Mo alloyed steel, after thermo-magnetic treatment, respectively thermo-chemical treatment. The evolution of the superficial layer for non-conventionally treated steel during the corrosion tests was studied.

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How to Cite
PAPADATU C-P. Influence of the Unconventional Treatment Applied to a Steel on the Corrosion Evolution. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2016 [cited 9Mar.2025];39(2):30-3. Available from: