The Influence of the Physical-Chemical Factors on the Distribution of Heavy Metals in The Delta Ecosystems
Recognized to the influence of micropollutants, heavy metals represented on the ecological status of surface waters, including delta ecosystems, the paper aims to study the impact of environmental factors (temperature, pH, electroconductivitity, total salt content, dissolved oxygen content) the presence of heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystems of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
In this paper special attention is given to the conservation of sampling and water samples, sediments, plankton and plant material, to the specific methods for the determination of heavy metals and physical-chemical indicators, and to the specific methods for quality assurance of chemical analysis.
It presents a wide range of data on the concentration levels of heavy metals, both in terms of spatial distribution, and bioaccumulation in water samples, sediments, plankton and morphological parts of species that characterize the Reservation of aquatic ecosystems of the Danube Delta Biosphere, in terms of the levels and effects of heavy metal pollution.
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