The Environmental Impact Assessment of a Municipal Landfill - A Study on the Leachate
The increase in consumption draws the need to quickly assess the problem of the municipal solid wastes. On the short term, the easiest way to deal with this stringent problem seems to be landfilling. This method was always a controversial one. Thus, making it more environmentally friendly was the logical next step. The recovery and utilization of methane gas, the recovery and treatment of the liquid generated by the landfill and, finally, the sealing of the landfill by the end of its utilization made it possible to deal the waste problem more environmentally friendly. However, no matter how “green” a landfill might be, every time such type of site is planned, a thoroughly environmental impact assessment must be conducted to anticipate, avoid and ameliorate the impact on the environment. This paper presents some aspects regarding an environmental impact assessment of a landfill, focusing mainly on the possible impact on water, the effect of leachate treatment and, finally, the future alternatives to landfilling.
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