Determining the Reliability of Clincher Coolers

  • Teodor VASIU University POLITEHNICA Timişoara, Romania
  • Adina BUDIUL BERGHIAN University POLITEHNICA Timişoara, Romania
Keywords: cement industry, clinker, cooler, reliability


For any industrial entity that is put into operation, the problem of maintaining its functioning if possible, with corresponding technical and technological parameters without failure is an important issue. This is provided by the study of the technical availability of that entity. Technical availability consists of two directions, namely: increasing the reliability, i.e. the duration of the good functioning, under operating conditions and for a well-established period and ensuring adequate maintenance. The two directions should be studied together in order to find solutions to increase the service life while reducing maintenance requests. In the present case, for the clinker coolers, only real reliability has been studied with the aim of finding practical solutions for increasing the service life. Achieving the proposed objective required the observation of the operation / failure of such a machine over nine months and the statistical processing of the information obtained.

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How to Cite
VASIU T, BUDIUL BERGHIAN A. Determining the Reliability of Clincher Coolers. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2018 [cited 14Mar.2025];41(3):51-6. Available from: