Experimental Research on Heating Behavior of Some Steels During Hot Metallurgical Processing
The heating of steel semi-products in view of hot rolling process or heat treatments is achieved at the large scale in propulsion ovens for the increase of their deformability and to improving mechanical characteristics of finite products.
The main heating defects (oxidation and decarburation, overgrown grain size of steels) represent processes of alteration of the superficial layers or the decrease of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the finished products.
This paper presents the results of experimental researches on the oxidation susceptibility, variation of the depth of the decarburized layer and the susceptibility to overheat of two ship steel grades (A36 and E36 grade), during the heating for the hot metallurgical processing of the semi-products. It is the deepening of the researches about heating behavior of naval steels with different chemical compositions.
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