Electrodeposition and Characterization of Ni-Si Nanocomposite Coatings
In this paper is presented morphological aspects and corrosion behaviour of composite coatings having nickel as metal matrix and silicon as dispersed phase obtained during electrodeposition process of nickel. Silicon mean diameter size of particles particles by 50 nm. The Ni-Si composite coatings were electrodeposited from a suspension silicon particles in aqueous nickel sulphate electrolyte by adding 10 g/L and 20 g/L of silicon particles in the electrolyte solution. The morphological aspects of the coatings and inclusion on particles were investigated using SEM and EDX. As test solution NH4OH 0.5 M (specific coke industry) was used in a three electrode open cell with nickel based nanostructured composite coatings as working electrode (WE), a platinum electrode as counter electrode (CE) and an Ag/AgCl electrode as reference electrode (RE).
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