New Measurement Method for Very Thin Samples with Very High Accuracy Control of the Level of the Emissive Power in Microwave Absorption (8.5-9.5 GHz)

  • Constantin HUŢANU “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania
Keywords: high accuracy, microwave diagnosis, ferroelectrics, absorption


Dielectric materials, especially ferroelectrics, have increasingly specialized applications in the manufacture of IT industry components. At the same time, the working frequency of the microprocessors increases steadily, reaching the microwave domain. This situation requires a very thorough study on the behaviour of dielectric materials at ultra-high frequencies and with very precise determination of their electrical and magnetic properties at these frequencies. A very important aspect in such a study is the evaluation with an extremely high accuracy, the degree of absorption of these materials in the microwave domain. The creation of an experimental installation dedicated to the very precise testing of these dielectrics at microwave frequencies, is a special challenge in the area of scientific research. The content of this article describes very accurately and completely such an experimental installation, as well as how to ensure a very high accuracy of the measurement accuracy. The samples of dielectric materials used in these measurements are made of very thin films.

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How to Cite
HUŢANU C. New Measurement Method for Very Thin Samples with Very High Accuracy Control of the Level of the Emissive Power in Microwave Absorption (8.5-9.5 GHz). The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Mar.2019 [cited 23Feb.2025];42(1):36-1. Available from: