Assessment of Visual Examination for Wire Rope Slings Using the Attributive Measurement System Analysis

  • Carmen SIMION Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Keywords: wire rope slings, visual examination, discard criteria, attributive measurement system analysis


Wire ropes are used for a variety of day-to-day job operations. They have a finite service life and therefore requires consistent, thorough and documented examinations to identify component degradation before a failure. Conducting regular examinations is the most effective way to detect, monitor and respond to wire rope sling fatigue failures. Thorough routine examinations should be carried out by a capable and experienced person so the assessment of the visual examination for wire ropes is crucial to obtain the confidence in the inspection process.
The purpose of this paper is to determine if the persons using the sling in a day-to-day job have sufficient training and practical experience to perform visual examination of wire rope slings, using the method of attributive measurement system analysis. This method looks at how effective or capable a person is in accepting good products and sorting out bad products repeatedly and looks also at the probability of a bad product being missed and a good one rejected. The results were processed with MINITAB software.

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How to Cite
SIMION C. Assessment of Visual Examination for Wire Rope Slings Using the Attributive Measurement System Analysis. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2019 [cited 5Jan.2025];42(2):48-3. Available from: