Metallic Matrix Composites with Ceramic Particles. Wetting Conditions
aluminium, silicon carbide particles, boron carbide particles, wettability, minimum acceleration
The paper presents the main aspects regarding the mixtures obtained made up from aluminium melts and different kinds of ceramic particles (silicon carbide and boron carbide). Synthetically discussed are the wetting conditions and the wetting coefficient and the possibilities to improve it insisting on the alloying metal bath, its overheating and the heat treatment of the particles with the aim to remove gases from the superficial layer. The critical acceleration necessary for the incorporation of particles into the melt for different temperatures was determined.
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How to Cite
NEAGU G, ŞTEFĂNESCU F, MIHAI A, STAN I, ODAGIU I. Metallic Matrix Composites with Ceramic Particles. Wetting Conditions. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Mar.2013 [cited 14Mar.2025];36(1):38-1. Available from: