Synthesis and Characterisation of Ag/SnO2/Clay Nanocomposites with Potential Application as Photocatalysts
This work reported a novel synthesis and characterization of Ag/SnO2/clay nanocomposites. The obtained materials were characterized using techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, particles size distribution, BET analyses and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The Ag/SnO2/clay nanocomposites have been used as efficient and environmentally benign photocatalysts. The protocols developed using this kind of material is advantageous in terms of simple experimentation, reusable catalyst, excellent yields of the products, short reaction time and preclusion of toxic solvents. The synthesized nanosized AgSnO2/clay nanocomposites have been used as photocatalysts for degradation and discoloration of synthetic wastewater containing Eosin Y dye, xanthene fluorescent dye, under solar radiation.
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