Thermal Decomposition of Hafnium Ethoxide-Mollecular Precursor for Hafnia Dielectric Thin Films

  • Elena Emanuela VALCU (HERBEI) "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
  • Viorica MUSAT "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
  • Timothy LEEDHAM Multivalent Ltd., United Kingdoms
Keywords: Hf-ethoxide, thermal behavior, dielectric thin films


The HfO2 thin-film is a very promising gate dielectric material for last generation transistors. The paper presents the thermal decomposition of hafnium ethoxide used as molecular precursor for obtaining hafnia thin films. The investigated molecular precursor is a mixture of Hf3O(OC2H5)10 and Hf4O(OC2H5)14 moisture sensitive amorphous powder.
The thermal decomposition of hafnium ethoxide precursor was investigated by TG-DTG-DSC analysis from room temperature to 600 oC in nitrogen atmosphere at 5 K/min. The composition of gas products resulted during pyrolytic decomposition has been studied by Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Mass Spectroscopy (MS). In the gas products, hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, vinyl, hydroxyl groups, acetic aldehyde and acetylene were identified. From mass spectroscopy and FTIR data results that the loss of ethoxy groups from the molecular precursor occurs in the decomposition steps between 200 and 375 oC. That suggests that in different steps, ligands from different coordination spheres are lost.

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How to Cite
VALCU (HERBEI) EE, MUSAT V, LEEDHAM T. Thermal Decomposition of Hafnium Ethoxide-Mollecular Precursor for Hafnia Dielectric Thin Films. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2012 [cited 10Mar.2025];35(3):73-7. Available from:

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