A Possibility to Decrease the Sintering Temperature of Corundum Ceramics

  • Vladimir PETKOV Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Radoslav VALOV Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Dimitar TEODOSSIEV Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Ina YANKOVA Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: alumina, sintering temperature, corundum, calcium titanate


The ceramics consisting of more than 95% Al2O3 is called corundum ceramics. The name comes from the name of the α-crystalline form of the aluminum oxide-corundum.
The basic technological process influencing the properties of this ceramic is the temperature and the duration of the sintering process. Sintering aids are used to improve sintering and to control grain size.
The possibility to use CaTiO3 as sintering aid is investigated. This substance lowers the sintering temperature with more than 100 oC and at the same time the mechanical properties are preserved. The compressive strength is more than 2000 MPa and the flexural strength is more than 200 MPa.

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How to Cite
PETKOV V, VALOV R, TEODOSSIEV D, YANKOVA I. A Possibility to Decrease the Sintering Temperature of Corundum Ceramics. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2011 [cited 11Mar.2025];34(3):58-0. Available from: https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/mms/article/view/2941