Study of Thermal Conductivity Variation Depending of the Heat Treatment for Tool Steels
thermal conductivity, heat treatment, steel, structure
This paper studied the influence of quenching and tempering steel structures on the thermal conductivity for OSC 11 steel. For the experiment we used samples that were subjected to heat treatment quenching and tempering at 200˚C and at 500˚C. To emphasize the structure and structural changes in both the sample and the untreated samples, micrographs and photos were made by scanning electron microscopy. Measured conductivity results were presented graphically and studied to highlight their influence on the hardening structure.
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How to Cite
PERJU MC, NEJNERU C, ACHIŢEI DC, LĂRGEANU AE, STEFĂNICĂ RG. Study of Thermal Conductivity Variation Depending of the Heat Treatment for Tool Steels. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2011 [cited 9Mar.2025];34(2):70-3. Available from: