Influence of Inclinations Applied to Ribs on the Solidification of Cast Parts

  • Aurel CRIŞAN Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • Diana ŢUŢUIANU Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • Tibor BEDŐ Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • Ioan CIOBANU Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Keywords: rib inclination, cast part solidification, hot spots


The inclinations and corner radii applied to ribs are designed for enhancing both stiffness and aesthetics. The presence of inclinations applied to ribs modifies the conditions of heat transmission and implicitly the solidification of the alloy in the joining area of the rib to the part wall. This is highlighted by changing the radius of circles inscribed in the wall - rib joining area. The diameter of the circles inscribed in this area is greater than of those in rest of the part wall. This leads to the assumption that the solidification of the alloy in the wall-rib joining area is slowed. The paper presents the results of a study concerning the influence of inclinations applied to ribs on the duration of cast part solidification and on the position of the hot spots. The study was conducted by computer simulation of solidification. The results have revealed that for certain limits this influence is negligible. Instead, in case of large inclinations, solidification time increases considerably. The limits for which the influence of inclinations applied to ribs becomes significant are determined.

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How to Cite
CRIŞAN A, ŢUŢUIANU D, BEDŐ T, CIOBANU I. Influence of Inclinations Applied to Ribs on the Solidification of Cast Parts. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2010 [cited 13Mar.2025];33(3):15-1. Available from:

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