Automated ApparatusProgram System for Evaluating the Strength of a Reducer Shaft

  • Daniela ZHELEZAROVA Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria
  • Silviu MACUTA "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
  • Ivan BALASHEV Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria
Keywords: reducer shaft, probabilistic evaluation method, automated control-measurable systems, analysis according to the finite element method


The paper deals with a design of automated system for studying the strength of a reducer shaft according to the probabilistic evaluation method concerning the examination of machine elements. The apparatus-program system is Windows-based with an opportunity for connection with program packages about a numerical study of objects and details according to the finite element method. The data about the studied objects are obtained by means of two ways, namely: directly from an integrated system for measuring parameters of details, which is worked in the mode of real time, or from files containing data about studied objects, that are received as a result of other examinations. The automated apparatus-program system is open for development in the following directions: addition of methods for evaluating various machine elements; expansion of control-measurable system with regard to different methods and systems for measuring the studied quantities.

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How to Cite
ZHELEZAROVA D, MACUTA S, BALASHEV I. Automated ApparatusProgram System for Evaluating the Strength of a Reducer Shaft. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2010 [cited 9Mar.2025];33(3):82-7. Available from:

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