The Sonic Waste Water Treatment
water treatment, sonic technology, ultrasound gas-dynamic generator
Sonic technology means the technology where the sonic devices are used and where the intensification of the heat and mass transfer is obtained owing to the pressure or flow capacity oscillations, introduced in the technological flux. This paper consists in the examination of the practical application results of the various technical systems with sonic injectors.
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[6]. Bălan G., Ciurea A., Bălan V., Bordei M. - The Sonic Technologies, Quatrieme edition du Colloque Francophone en Energie, Environnement, Economie et Thermodynamique COFRET'08, 11-13 June 2008, Nantes - France, p. 20-29.
[7]. Gong J.S., Fu Wei-Biao - The experimental study on the flow characteristics for a swirling gas–liquid spray atomizer, Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007), p. 2886-2892.
[8]. Kermes V., Belohradsky P., Oral J., Stehlk P. -Testing of gas and liquid fuel burners for power and process industries, Energy 33 (2008), p. 1551-1561.
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[10]. Rajan R., Pandit, A.B., Correlations to predict droplet size in ultrasonic atomization, Ultrasonic, Vol. 39, 2001, p. 235-255.
[11]. ***, SR EN ISO 3744:1997 - "Acustică - Determinarea nivelurilor de putere acustică ale surselor de zgomot utilizând presiunea acustică - metoda tehnică aproximativă, în condiţii asemănătoare de câmp liber, deasupra unui plan reflectant".
How to Cite
POPA D, CIUREA A, BORDEI M. The Sonic Waste Water Treatment. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2010 [cited 28Dec.2024];33(2):58-2. Available from: