Alumina Powder Properties Obtained by Neutralization Process of Sodium Aluminate

  • Mitar PERUŠIC University of Eastern Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Vladan MIĆIĆ University of Eastern Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Zoran OBRENOVIĆ Factory of Alumina “Birac” Zvornik , Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Radislav FILIPOVIĆ Factory of Alumina “Birac” Zvornik , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Keywords: Alumina, Bayer process, Specific area


Today, the most production of alumina is used for aluminum production [1, 2] (metallurgy alumina), minor production of alumina is used for special purpose, as fire-resistant materials, electro porcelain and etc., and because this alumina are called special alumina. For production some types of special alumina, as activated alumina (alumina with good adsorption properties) Bayer process is not optimal. Aluminum-hydroxide (gibbsite) obtained with this procedure have small specific area, approximately 10 m2/g, and it was thermal treatment on 400-500 °C given γАl2О3 with up specific area around 250 m2/g. Some physical-chemistry properties (adsorption’s properties) of obtained alumina under these conditions are unsatisfactory for requirement in last time. High specific area, and also good adsorption properties of activated alumina, can be reached by using different procedures of synthesis starting aluminum–hydroxide with adjusting synthesis conditions and later thermal treatment. The aim of this paper is research powder properties of aluminum hydroxide obtained by neutralization process of sodium aluminates.

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How to Cite
PERUŠIC M, MIĆIĆ V, OBRENOVIĆ Z, FILIPOVIĆ R. Alumina Powder Properties Obtained by Neutralization Process of Sodium Aluminate. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2009 [cited 8Feb.2025];32(2):74-7. Available from: