Behavior of A537 Steel Grade in Carburizing in Fluidized Bed with Endothermic Atmosphere
HSLA steel, carburizing, fluidized bed, endothermic atmosphere
Fluidized bed allows one to easily change from the chemical composition of the working atmosphere. The paper is based on experiments of carburizing in fluidized bed with endothermic atmosphere made from gases resulting from decomposition of the initial air-methane mixture. Samples made from A537 steel (HSLA class) are subjected to carburizing experiments. Samples were tempered at 860 °C in water and then were tempering to 180 °C. The results were investigated by hardness test and metallographic analysis and showing influence of the the air/methane ratio over structures and properties of A537 steel grade.
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How to Cite
DOBROVICI S, CAZACU N. Behavior of A537 Steel Grade in Carburizing in Fluidized Bed with Endothermic Atmosphere. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15May2009 [cited 10Mar.2025];32(1):136-9. Available from: