Mechano-Erosion: a Novel Test Methodology to Accelerate Erosion in Rolling Contact Fatigue Experiments

  • Balamurugan KARUNAMURTHY Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
  • Mark HADFIELD Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
Keywords: Rolling contact fatigue, Rotary tribometer, Ultrasonic transducer, Erosion, Lubrication


Rolling contact fatigue testing of rolling elements with low saturation temperature lubricants result, in several difficulties. Mainly, uncontrolled phase changes due to flow dynamics often cause difficulties in assessing the lubricant effect on fatigue life. This work simulates these conditions for testing in a controlled environment to understand the mechanism of material wear. A rotary tribometer was modified to allow an ultrasonic transducer. This modification made it possible to bring the two different phenomena Rolling contact fatigue and Erosion together. With this novel testing method, erosion was created on the contact track within a short period of time. Moreover, Erosion characteristics and its effects on rolling contact fatigue testing were monitored and these preliminary results are presented in this paper.

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How to Cite
KARUNAMURTHY B, HADFIELD M. Mechano-Erosion: a Novel Test Methodology to Accelerate Erosion in Rolling Contact Fatigue Experiments. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2008 [cited 2Feb.2025];31(2):73-8. Available from: