Surface Hardening for Low Carbon Steel (A3k) by Yag: Nd Pulse Laser Thermal Activation
surface hardening, steel, laser, YAG:Nd
The paper is based on experiments for surface hardening on A3k (low carbon steel) samples using YAG:Nd pulse laser. A small x-y moving system conducted by PC was made for sample scanning, relative to fixed focused laser beam. Laser energy, frequency and defocused, influences were studied. The results of laser/sample surface interactions were investigated by macrostructure and microstructure analyses. Hardness testing was used for evaluating the changes in surface properties.
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How to Cite
CAZACU N, SAVA L, DOBROVICI S, BACLEA A. Surface Hardening for Low Carbon Steel (A3k) by Yag: Nd Pulse Laser Thermal Activation. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15May2008 [cited 9Mar.2025];31(1):28-2. Available from: