Basic Mathematical Modeling of the Environmental Processes in the Lower Danube Region [I]

  • Viorel MUNTEANU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
  • Ovidiu COSTEA S.C. Industrial Parc S.R.L., Romania
Keywords: Air Quality Modelling, Fluid Mechanics, Meteorology, turbulent flow


In most environmental pollution problems, the pollutant is released to the environment by the, almost always, turbulent flow of a carrier fluid. The pollutant mixes with the surrounding fluid (air or water) and undergoes chemical transformations. A proper account of “where the pollutant went” and “what happened to it” necessitates a theory of turbulent reacting flows, i.e. the simultaneous treatment of mixing and chemical reactions. The important field of Air Quality Modelling is an interdisciplinary field borrowing elements from Fluid Mechanics, Atmospheric Chemistry, Meteorology and others.

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How to Cite
MUNTEANU V, COSTEA O. Basic Mathematical Modeling of the Environmental Processes in the Lower Danube Region [I]. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2007 [cited 9Mar.2025];30(2):45-1. Available from:

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