Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming of Renewable Raw Materials
reforming, methanation, catalyst, fixed bed reactor, bioethanol, biomethane
The paper is based on study of steam reforming of renewable raw materials (bioethanol, biomethane) in stainless steel fixed bed reactor. The β-alumina catalysts with nickel has been synthesized and tested supported. The influence of operating conditions about steam reforming reaction and methanation reaction was studied.
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How to Cite
MATEI V, MIHAI O, JUGANARU T, MOVILEANU D, BORCEA A, MATEI D. Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming of Renewable Raw Materials. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2007 [cited 21Dec.2024];30(2):73-6. Available from: https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/mms/article/view/3152